10 Biggest Mistakes

made when purchasing water
treatment equipment and how
you can avoid them.

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made when purchasing water treatment equipment and how you can avoid them.

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What Our Customers are Saying

"The Water Store in Midland had the equipment installed before the competition even called me back! Great Service Janice says "we had ve...

So Marion, what do you think of the service at The Water Store? "The service here is very polite and cheerful"...

Ian claims "My water smelled and tasted awful before The Water Store installed their products" ...

As written by Carol Donaldson "Our names are Murray and Carol Donaldson. We live at Balm Beach, Ontario. Years ago we purchased an iron filter sy...

"We had hard water and weak tea colour. The water was staining Dishes and Clothes etc. Follow up was very quick where you tested our water and ...